Look at me the way he does

A photo of Monique Judge wearing pink glasses and holding a white coffee mug with the word "fuel" written on it.

Seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes is truly a different experience—especially when the way they see you is rooted in love and authenticity.

Me with my glasses on

People can tell you that you are pretty all day every day, and while it’s flattering and can boost your mood, the bigger boost comes from someone who really sees you and describes you in terms that embody your entire humanity and personhood. I wish that for everyone.

More pictures after the jump.

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It’s all about the way we see ourselves


“First of all, I realize that my body is mine and mine alone. This means that no amount of outside messaging should be able to impact how I feel about myself. Coming to that realization was a process, and we all come to it at different times, but once you get there, it is the most liberating feeling in the world.”

I no longer wish to be ‘at war’ with my body
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