Goals are better than resolutions, in my opinion


In a former iteration of my life, I was one of those people who made new year’s resolutions that never made it past January.

The problem, I discovered, was that while the resolutions may have been worthwhile, without specifically defining them and giving them deadlines, they simply became things I wished I could do or dreamed of doing. I needed a better plan.

Read “Why I started setting goals instead of making resolutions every new year.”

What are your plans for the new year?


If I am honest, I had a lot of plans for 2020 that fell by the wayside when the coronavirus took over. The initial shock of the moment turned into months of playing the lottery each time I went to the store, hoping to find things like disinfectant, toilet paper, and soap. Even when that part of the nightmare was over, we were still stuck inside and finding things to do that didn’t include eating my way through the refrigerator or giving my credit cards a workout became harder and harder. 

2020 II? 2020, Too? If 2022 is a do-over, I’m taking advantage