Hello from the other side


It’s me, sitting upright, working on my laptop, and continuing to recover from my eye surgery.

I still can’t see clearly out of my left eye, but I can see enough to type some stuff, and that’s exactly what I am doing.

I swear, a week facedown in bed will have you ready to jump out of your skin, and now that I am upright, I feel compelled to never be lazy again.

Anyway, this is me saying hello from the other side.

Whew, chile


I had developed this habit of getting up and out of bed at 5am and spending an hour journaling. I set my alarm each night, and I made myself put my feet on the floor and stand up when it went off.

I stopped doing that and instead started sleeping until my body woke up on its own.

The result is I end up staying in bed longer and longer each morning before I finally get up and start my day.

I think it’s time to bring that former habit back.

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