“In a Business Insider article published in February, employees said that Netflix wooed them with the promise of more stability and higher wages than journalism has offered in recent years: If Netflix says “We’re going to pay you a more-than-livable wage and let you continue to write about the things that you write,’ honestly, why wouldn’t you want to do that?,” one writer told Insider.”
Netflix Lays Off the Journalists It Just Hired
Late last year, Netflix began actively recruiting for people to work in their editorial division. They hired mostly Black women and people of color. Yesterday, they laid a good portion of those people off with no notice, some only receiving two weeks of pay. It is shameful and egregious and indicative of the slow erosion of media by corporate interests.
Corporate media is a hellscape. I pray for everyone who is still in the trenches, and I hope that whatever corporation is currently controlling your job in media doesn’t pull a bullshit move like this one.