Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, and the way old white people refuse to relinquish power


As far as Blackness in the U.S. Senate, there have only been 11 Black senators; Butler will be the 12th. She will be the third Black woman to serve in the U.S. Senate. 

I think you get the picture. While we are actively contributing members of the U.S., we are not represented in a way that honors that. 

Sounds about white. 

So when someone like Feinstein remains in office well past their expiration date, we are robbed of the opportunity to put new blood in with the old. We can’t inject fresh ideas into our government because the old ideas have the government in a chokehold. 

And while we may have never seen Dianne Feinstein short circuit on national television the way we have with Mitch McConnell, the point still remains. Putting them in a bowl of rice every time is not the answer; electing new people to get the job done is. 

Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, and the way old white people refuse to relinquish power