Ben Stein, Stella Parton and Scott Adams walk into a bar


Ben Stein is racist.

Stella Parton is racist.

Scott Adams is racist.

Racism is a part of daily life in America, whether it is as overt as people marching around in Klan uniforms or as subtle as someone making passive-aggressive negative comments about Black people in our presence. 

As much as we want to give most white people the benefit of the doubt, there usually comes a time when even our faves (or their siblings) disappoint us by saying something so outlandishly racist it’s hard to ignore. 

I had a recent experience on Facebook with a former co-worker who I always thought was just a nice older white lady. She showed up in the comments of one of my posts and completely showed her ass, and she doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on her ignorance even when she was called out by her fellow white people. 

Here is a list of white people I was extremely disappointed to find out were (undercover) racists
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