Good morning!


On Wednesdays, we wear pink or something Mean Girls related like this t-shirt.

Lady says this is true.

I woke up an hour and twenty minutes before my alarm was set to go off at 6am. I tried to go back to sleep, but within ten minutes, I knew it wasn’t happening, so I got up and got dressed.

I journaled for an hour. I wrote my gratitude list, identified my priorities for the day, and set the intention that I would get everything on my task list done today.

I set up my daily spread in my bullet journal the night before so I’m ready to hit the ground running.

Spending my last waking hours being mindful and focused on my goals and tasks for the next day while laying out my spread in my bullet journal is so relaxing. I put on meditation music, and it helps me stay focused.

After journaling, I went on a 90 minute walk with Lady and got in a little over 4 miles.

We walked to the Starbucks that’s further away — the one I usually visit and go through the drive thru. My Starbucks boyfriend gave me his free drink.

He’s so sweet.

My day is off to an awesome and productive start. I can’t wait to see what happens next.