The PWI vs HBCU debate is old and tired and needs to stop


We live in a world where facts matter, and there are simple facts that could help people understand why a Black student may not choose to go to an HBCU—and they have absolutely nothing to do with wanting to be white.

Yes, David Banner, HBCUs are a treasure but not always an option for a lot of Black students

Amazon’s ‘A League of Their Own’ Tells Black stories loudly and proudly


Although the new show is also a fictionalized retelling of the World War II-era All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL), that’s where the similarities to the original ends.

‘A League of Their Own’ is based on the 1992 movie, but has an identity all its own

I saw Top Gun: Maverick this weekend, and I really want to talk about it, but I feel like I need to watch it again to fully digest it and get my thoughts together.

Coincidentally, I just joined AMC’s A-List Stubs program, so I get three free movies a week. This worked out.

‘Down in the valley where the girlies get naked’


Since season one, fans have been intrigued by the goings-on at the Pynk, the strip club owned and operated by Uncle Clifford (Annan) but commanded by the women who perform there, including Mercedes (Evans); Keyshawn, aka Mississippi (Thornton); and Autumn (Johnson). Every single scene of every single episode is jam-packed with action, drama, or both, and by the end of each episode, you are left wanting more of the characters and their brilliantly evolving stories. 

If you are not already watching ‘P-Valley,’ here is a list of reasons why you should

Terrell Owens is the latest Black man to experience a white woman’s weaponized tears


Who was the first white woman to lie on a Black man? Who was the first white woman to use her tears to try and get a Black man in trouble, or worse—killed? Who was the first white woman who realized if she put out her best crocodile tears, it could gain her the results she was looking for?

Terrell Owens finds out the hard way that white women have perfected weaponizing their tears against Black men